Tipp-Upload: VB.NET 0131: Barcode 39 horizontal + vertikal VB2005
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Barcode 39, Drucker, VB2005
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Der Vorschlag wurde erstellt am: 12.10.2007 15:19.
Die letzte Aktualisierung erfolgte am 12.10.2007 15:19.
Barcode 39 für VB2005, horizontal und vertikal, Textierung 0, 90, 180 und 270 Grad
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' ------- Anfang Projektdatei Barcode39_VB2005.vbproj ------- ' ---------------- Anfang Datei clsBarcode.vb ---------------- ' -------------------------------------------------------- ' Barcode erstellen horizontal und vertikal unter VB2005 ' basierend auf Tip 040 in ActiveVB für .NET ' ' Autor peter.k.sauer@web.de ' created 16.09.2007 ' update 12.10.2007 ' -------------------------------------------------------- Public Class clsBarcode ''' <summary> ''' Barcode horizontal ausgeben ''' </summary> ''' <param name="Barcode">Barcodeinhalt</param> ''' <param name="Gr">Graphics (Printer)</param> ''' <param name="mLeft">Abstand links</param> ''' <param name="mTop">Abstand oben</param> ''' <param name="mWidth">Breite Barcode</param> ''' <param name="mHeight">Höhe Barcode</param> ''' <returns></returns> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Function MD_Barcode39H(ByVal Barcode As String, _ ByVal Gr As System.Drawing.Graphics, _ ByVal mLeft As Single, ByVal mTop As Single, _ ByVal mWidth As Single, _ ByVal mHeight As Single) As Boolean Dim Nbar As Single, Wbar As Single Dim Qbar As Single, NextBar As Single Dim CountX As Single, CountY As Single Dim Parts As Single, Pix As Single, BarCodePlus As String Dim Stripes As String, BarType As String Dim Mx As Single, My1 As Single, Sx As Single, Sy As Single Const Nratio As Integer = 20 Const Wratio As Integer = 55 Const Qratio As Integer = 35 ' Dim g As System.Drawing.Graphics Dim pB As New System.Drawing.SolidBrush (System.Drawing.Color.Black) Dim pW As New System.Drawing.SolidBrush (System.Drawing.Color.White) Dim color As System.Drawing.SolidBrush Try ' Get control size and location properties. Sx = mLeft Sy = mTop Mx = mWidth My1 = mHeight ' g = PaintObj.CreateGraphics() Gr.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter ' Calculate actual and relative pixels values. Parts = (Barcode.Length + 2) * ((6 * Nratio) + (3 * Wratio) + (1 * Qratio)) Pix = (Mx / Parts) Nbar = (20 * Pix) Wbar = (55 * Pix) Qbar = (35 * Pix) ' Initialize bar index and color. NextBar = Sx color = pW ' Pad each end of string with start/stop characters BarCodePlus = "*" & Barcode.ToUpper & "*" ' Walk through each character of the barcode contents For CountX = 0 To BarCodePlus.Length - 1 ' Get Barcode 1/0 string for indexed character. Stripes = MD_BC39(BarCodePlus.Substring(CountX, 1)) For CountY = 0 To 8 ' For each 1/0, draw a wide/narrow bar. BarType = Stripes.Substring(CountY, 1) ' Toggle the color (black/white). If color Is pW Then color = pB Else color = pW End If Select Case BarType Case "1" ' Draw a wide bar. Gr.FillRectangle(color, NextBar, Sy, Wbar, My1) NextBar = NextBar + Wbar Case "0" ' Draw a narrow bar. Gr.FillRectangle(color, NextBar, Sy, Nbar, My1) NextBar = NextBar + Nbar End Select Next CountY ' Toggle the color (black/white). If color Is pW Then color = pB Else color = pW End If ' Draw intermediate "quiet" bar. Gr.FillRectangle(color, NextBar, Sy, Qbar, My1) NextBar = NextBar + Qbar Next CountX Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Barcode vertikal ausgeben ''' </summary> ''' <param name="Barcode">Barcodeinhalt</param> ''' <param name="Gr">Graphics (Printer)</param> ''' <param name="mLeft">Abstand links</param> ''' <param name="mTop">Abstand oben</param> ''' <param name="mWidth">Breite/Höhe Barcode</param> ''' <param name="mHeight">Höhe/Breite Barcode</param> ''' <returns></returns> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Function MD_Barcode39V(ByVal Barcode As String, _ ByVal Gr As System.Drawing.Graphics, _ ByVal mLeft As Single, ByVal mTop As Single, _ ByVal mWidth As Single, _ ByVal mHeight As Single) As Boolean Dim Nbar As Single, Wbar As Single Dim Qbar As Single, NextBar As Single Dim CountX As Single, CountY As Single Dim Parts As Single, Pix As Single, BarCodePlus As String Dim Stripes As String, BarType As String Dim Mx As Single, My1 As Single, Sx As Single, Sy As Single Const Nratio As Integer = 20 Const Wratio As Integer = 55 Const Qratio As Integer = 35 ' Dim g As System.Drawing.Graphics Dim pB As New System.Drawing.SolidBrush (System.Drawing.Color.Black) Dim pW As New System.Drawing.SolidBrush (System.Drawing.Color.White) Dim color As System.Drawing.SolidBrush Try ' Get control size and location properties. Sx = mLeft Sy = mTop Mx = mWidth My1 = mHeight ' g = PaintObj.CreateGraphics() Gr.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter ' Calculate actual and relative pixels values. Parts = (Barcode.Length + 2) * ((6 * Nratio) + (3 * Wratio) + (1 * Qratio)) Pix = (Mx / Parts) Nbar = (20 * Pix) Wbar = (55 * Pix) Qbar = (35 * Pix) ' Initialize bar index and color. NextBar = Sx color = pW ' Pad each end of string with start/stop characters BarCodePlus = "*" & Barcode.ToUpper & "*" ' Walk through each character of the barcode contents For CountX = 0 To BarCodePlus.Length - 1 ' Get Barcode 1/0 string for indexed character. Stripes = MD_BC39(BarCodePlus.Substring(CountX, 1)) For CountY = 0 To 8 ' For each 1/0, draw a wide/narrow bar. BarType = Stripes.Substring(CountY, 1) ' Toggle the color (black/white). If color Is pW Then color = pB Else color = pW End If Select Case BarType Case "1" ' Draw a wide bar. Gr.FillRectangle(color, Sy, NextBar, My1, Wbar) NextBar = NextBar + Wbar Case "0" ' Draw a narrow bar. Gr.FillRectangle(color, Sy, NextBar, My1, Nbar) NextBar = NextBar + Nbar End Select Next CountY ' Toggle the color (black/white). If color Is pW Then color = pB Else color = pW End If ' Draw intermediate "quiet" bar. Gr.FillRectangle(color, NextBar, Sy, Qbar, My1) NextBar = NextBar + Qbar Next CountX Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' liefert die Codierung pro Zeichen ''' </summary> ''' <param name="CharCode"></param> ''' <returns></returns> ''' <remarks></remarks> Private Function MD_BC39(ByVal CharCode As String) As String Try Dim BC39(90) As String BC39(32) = "011000100" ' space BC39(36) = "010101000" ' $ BC39(37) = "000101010" ' % BC39(42) = "010010100" ' * Start/Stop BC39(43) = "010001010" ' + BC39(45) = "010000101" ' | BC39(46) = "110000100" ' . BC39(47) = "010100010" ' / BC39(48) = "000110100" ' 0 BC39(49) = "100100001" ' 1 BC39(50) = "001100001" ' 2 BC39(51) = "101100000" ' 3 BC39(52) = "000110001" ' 4 BC39(53) = "100110000" ' 5 BC39(54) = "001110000" ' 6 BC39(55) = "000100101" ' 7 BC39(56) = "100100100" ' 8 BC39(57) = "001100100" ' 9 BC39(65) = "100001001" ' A BC39(66) = "001001001" ' B BC39(67) = "101001000" ' C BC39(68) = "000011001" ' D BC39(69) = "100011000" ' E BC39(70) = "001011000" ' F BC39(71) = "000001101" ' G BC39(72) = "100001100" ' H BC39(73) = "001001100" ' I BC39(74) = "000011100" ' J BC39(75) = "100000011" ' K BC39(76) = "001000011" ' L BC39(77) = "101000010" ' M BC39(78) = "000010011" ' N BC39(79) = "100010010" ' O BC39(80) = "001010010" ' P BC39(81) = "000000111" ' Q BC39(82) = "100000110" ' R BC39(83) = "001000110" ' S BC39(84) = "000010110" ' T BC39(85) = "110000001" ' U BC39(86) = "011000001" ' V BC39(87) = "111000000" ' W BC39(88) = "010010001" ' X BC39(89) = "110010000" ' Y BC39(90) = "011010000" ' Z Dim c As Char = Convert.ToChar(CharCode) Return BC39(Convert.ToInt32(c)) Catch ex As Exception Return "" End Try End Function End Class ' ----------------- Ende Datei clsBarcode.vb ----------------- ' ------------------ Anfang Datei Form1.vb ------------------ ' ---------------------------------------------- ' Barcode 3/9 horizontal und vertikal ausgeben ' Textíerung 0, 90, 180 und 270 Grad ' ---------------------------------------------- ' Controls: CheckBox1, Button1 Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load CheckBox1.Text = "Preview" CheckBox1.Checked = True Button1.Text = "Print/Preview" End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim PrinterName As String = "HP DeskJet 3600 series" ' Drucker auswählen Using PD As New PrintDialog PD.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = PrinterName Dim Result As DialogResult = PD.ShowDialog(Me) If Result = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then Exit Sub End If PrinterName = PD.PrinterSettings.PrinterName End Using ' Barcode ausgeben Dim cBC As New prnBarcode Dim AsPreview As Boolean = CheckBox1.Checked cBC.Print(PrinterName, AsPreview) End Sub End Class ' ------------------- Ende Datei Form1.vb ------------------- ' ---------------- Anfang Datei prnBarcode.vb ---------------- ' ------------------------------------------------- ' ' Barcode ausgeben über Printdocument mit Preview ' ' ------------------------------------------------- Imports System.Drawing.Printing Public Class prnBarcode ' Dokumentenobject zum Druck Private WithEvents Doc As New PrintDocument ' Druckvorschau Private WithEvents PrnPreview As New PrintPreviewDialog Public Sub New() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Druckausgabe starten ''' </summary> ''' <param name="PrinterName">Name des Druckers</param> ''' <param name="AsPreview">Ausgabe als Vorschau</param> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Sub Print(ByVal PrinterName As String, _ Optional ByVal AsPreview As Boolean = False) Doc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = PrinterName Doc.PrinterSettings.PrintFileName = "Barcode_Test" If AsPreview Then PrnPreview.Document = Doc PrnPreview.ShowDialog() Else Doc.Print() End If End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Preview Zoom 100% und Maximize ''' </summary> Private Sub PrnPreview_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PrnPreview.Load PrnPreview.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized PrnPreview.PrintPreviewControl.Zoom = 1.0 PrnPreview.PrintPreviewControl.AutoZoom = False End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Seite ausgeben ''' </summary> ''' <param name="sender"></param> ''' <param name="e"></param> ''' <remarks></remarks> Private Sub Doc_PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) _ Handles Doc.PrintPage Dim Gr As Graphics = e.Graphics Gr.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter Dim cBC As New clsBarcode Dim x As Single = 20 Dim y As Single = 30 Dim w As Single = 90 Dim h As Single = 15 Dim BC As String = "3SAB0123456789-001" ' Barcode und Text horizontal cBC.MD_Barcode39H(BC, Gr, x, y, w, h) Using Ft As New Font("System", 12, FontStyle.Bold) ' Text 000 Grad Dim b As Single = (w - Gr.MeasureString(BC, Ft).Width) / 2 Gr.DrawString(BC, Ft, Brushes.Black, x + b, y + h + 2) ' Text 180 Grad Dim x1 As Single = x + b + Gr.MeasureString(BC, Ft).Width Dim y1 As Single = y - 2 Gr.TranslateTransform(x1, y1) Gr.RotateTransform(180) Gr.DrawString(BC, Ft, Brushes.Black, 0, 0) Gr.RotateTransform(180) Gr.TranslateTransform(x1 * -1, y1 * -1) End Using ' Barcode und Text vertikal x = 80 y = 60 cBC.MD_Barcode39V(BC, Gr, x, y, w, h) Using Ft As New Font("System", 12, FontStyle.Bold) ' Text 090 Grad Dim b As Single = (w - Gr.MeasureString(BC, Ft).Width) / 2 Dim x1 As Single = y - 2 Dim y1 As Single = x + b Gr.TranslateTransform(x1, y1) Gr.RotateTransform(90) Gr.DrawString(BC, Ft, Brushes.Black, 0, 0) Gr.RotateTransform(270) Gr.TranslateTransform(x1 * -1, y1 * -1) ' Text 270 Grad x1 = y + h + 2 y1 = x + b + Gr.MeasureString(BC, Ft).Width Gr.TranslateTransform(x1, y1) Gr.RotateTransform(270) Gr.DrawString(BC, Ft, Brushes.Black, 0, 0) Gr.RotateTransform(90) Gr.TranslateTransform(x1 * -1, y1 * -1) End Using End Sub End Class ' ----------------- Ende Datei prnBarcode.vb ----------------- ' -------- Ende Projektdatei Barcode39_VB2005.vbproj --------
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