von Christoph von Wittich
Archivformat von Microsoft. Kompressionsverfahren: MSZIP, Quantum, LZX.
Dim cbCached As String Dim cbFileAnz As Long Dim cbEntries(10000) As String Dim cbFileLen(10000) As Long Dim cbFilePos(10000) As Long Private Const CAB_FLAG_HASRESERVE = &H4 Private Type CABHeader Signature As String * 4 CheckSum As Long FileSize As Long FolderCheckSum As Long FirstEntryOffSet As Long FilesCheckSum As Long Version As Integer FolderCount As Integer FileCount As Integer Flags As Integer SetID As Integer iCabinet As Integer End Type Private Type CABFolder DataFolderOffSet As Long CFData As Integer CompressionType As Integer End Type Private Type CABEntry FileSize As Long FileOffSetAfterDecompression As Long FileControlID As Integer FileDate As Integer FileTime As Integer FileAttributes As Integer End Type '--------------------------------- 'Lädt alle Infos in den Speicher '--------------------------------- Public Sub CacheCAB(CABFile As String) Dim cbHeader As CABHeader Dim cbEntry As CABEntry Dim cbFolder As CABFolder Dim cbFile As Integer Dim f_char As String * 1 Dim cbExtraLen As Long Dim i As Integer cbFile = FreeFile Open CABFile For Binary As cbFile Get cbFile, 1, cbHeader If cbHeader.Flags = CAB_FLAG_HASRESERVE Then Get cbFile, , cbExtraLen Seek cbFile, Seek(cbFile) + cbExtraLen End If For i = 1 To cbHeader.FolderCount Get cbFile, , cbFolder Next i Seek cbFile, cbHeader.FirstEntryOffSet For i = 1 To cbHeader.FileCount Get cbFile, , cbEntry If i = 1 Then Get cbFile, , f_char f_char = " " Do Get cbFile, , f_char If f_char = Chr(0) Then Exit Do cbEntries(i) = cbEntries(i) + f_char Loop Next i Close cbFile cbFileAnz = cbHeader.FileCount cbCached = CABFile End Sub '--------------------------------------- 'Gibt die Anzahl der Dateien im Archiv 'zurück '--------------------------------------- Public Function GetFileCount(CABFile As String) If Not cbCached = CABFile Then CacheCAB CABFile End If GetFileCount = cbFileAnz End Function '---------------------------------------- 'Gibt den Dateinamen der Datei "FileIndx" 'zurück '---------------------------------------- Public Function GetEntry(CABFile As String, FileIndx As Long) As String If Not cbCached = CABFile Then CacheCAB CABFile End If GetEntry = cbEntries(FileIndx) End Function