VB 5/6-Tipp 0786: Kurven schnell darstellen, zoomen und scrollen
von Klaus Langbein
Kurven können in VB durch wiederholten Aufruf des Line-Befehls gezeichnet werden. Hat man jedoch einen große Anzahl an Datenpunkten und die Ausgabe soll möglichst schnell erfolgen, empfiehlt es sich den Polyline-Befehl einzusetzen.
Zur Ausgabe einer Kurve werden zunächst die Koordinaten eines Feldes vom Typ PointApi berechnet. Bei dieser Umskalierung können auch Vergrößerungsfaktoren angegeben werden. Im vorliegenden Beispiel werden Daten, wie sie in einer 16-Bit-mono-Wave-Datei vorliegen gegen die Zeit aufgetragen. Eine Zoomfunktion kann in X- und Y-Richtung angewandt werden und es ist möglich durch die Daten zu Scrollen.
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Hat man jedoch einen große Anzahl an ' Datenpunkten und die Ausgabe soll möglichst schnell erfolgen, ' empfiehlt es sich den Polyline-Befehl einzusetzen. ' Zur Ausgabe einer Kurve werden zunächst die Koordinaten eines ' Feldes vom Typ PointApi berechnet. Bei dieser Umskalierung können ' auch Vergrößerungsfaktoren angegeben werden. ' Im vorliegenden Beispiel werden Daten, wie sie in einer 16-Bit-mono ' Wave-Datei vorliegen gegen die Zeit aufgetragen. Eine Zoomfunktion ' kann in X- und Y-Richtung angewandt werden und es ist möglich durch ' die Daten zu Scrollen. 'Option Explicit ' Wer's braucht wird selig Dim xMax As Double ' Maximalwerte, die im Diagramm möglich sein sollen Dim xMin As Double Dim yMax As Double Dim yMin As Double ' Dim sxMax As Double ' Maximalwerte inklusive Ränder Dim sxMin As Double Dim syMax As Double Dim syMin As Double ' Dim MarginLeft As Double ' Ränder in Bildschirmeinheiten (Pixel, Twipps) Dim MarginTop As Double Dim MarginRight As Double Dim MarginBottom As Double ' Dim xFact As Double Dim yFact As Double Dim xOff As Double Dim yOff As Double Dim DiagLeft As Long Dim DiagTop As Long Dim DiagWidth As Long Dim DiagHeight As Long Dim Zoom As Double Private Type PointApi X As Long Y As Long End Type Dim Pt() As PointApi Dim Data() As Integer Dim nSamples As Long Dim Win9x As Boolean Dim BlockAction As Boolean Dim MaxScroll As Double Dim Perc As Double Dim PtStart As Long Private Declare Function Polyline Lib "gdi32" ( _ ByVal hdc As Long, _ lpPoint As PointApi, _ ByVal nCount As Long) As Long Private Function Arrow90(ByVal Pic As Object, _ ByVal x1 As Double, _ ByVal y1 As Double, _ ByVal x2 As Double, _ ByVal y2 As Double, _ ByVal L As Double, _ ByVal Angle As Long) As Long Dim fs As Long fs = Pic.FillStyle Pic.FillStyle = 0 Pic.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2) Select Case Angle Case 0 Pic.Circle (x2, y2), L, , -2.836, -3.436 Case 90 Pic.Circle (x2, y2), L, , -4.398, -4.998 Case 180 Pic.Circle (x2, y2), L, , -5.979, -0.296 Case 270 Pic.Circle (x2, y2), L, , -1.275, -1.875 End Select Pic.FillStyle = fs End Function Private Function Create(ByVal n As Long, ByVal ForceNew As Boolean) As Long On Error Goto err1 Dim Fn$ Dim F As Double Dim w As Double Dim pi As Double Dim t As Double Dim tStep As Double Dim Y() As Integer Dim A As Long Dim Fl As Long Dim fno As Long Dim i As Long ReDim Data(1 To n) pi = 4 * Atn(1) Fn$ = App.Path & IIf(Right$(App.Path, 1) = "\", "\", "") & "data.dat" If ForceNew = False Then Fl = FileLen(Fn) If Fl > 0 Then If Fl = 2 * n Then fno = FreeFile Open Fn$ For Binary As #fno Get #fno, , Data() Close #1 Exit Function End If End If End If F = 100 w = 2 * pi * F A = 32000 tStep = 1 / 44100 For i = 1 To n Data(i) = A * Sin(w * t) * Sin(w * 3.2 * t) ^ 3 * Sin(0.1 * w * t) t = t + tStep Next i fno = FreeFile Kill Fn fno = FreeFile Open Fn$ For Binary As #fno Put #fno, , Data() Close #1 Exit Function err1: Select Case Err Case 53 Resume Next Case Else MsgBox Error$ End Select End Function Function DrawBoundary(Obj As Object, ByVal Grey As Long) As Long Obj.DrawWidth = 1 Obj.ForeColor = RGB(Grey, Grey, Grey) 'Obj.ForeColor = vbRed Obj.Line (DiagLeft, DiagTop)- _ (DiagLeft + DiagWidth, DiagTop + DiagHeight), , B End Function Private Function DrawData(Obj As Object, ByVal PtStart As Long, ByVal np As Long) Dim nMax As Long Dim k As Long Dim Rest As Long Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim Pos As Long Dim xx As Long Dim yy As Long Dim A As Double Dim IsPrinter As Boolean If TypeOf Obj Is Printer Then IsPrinter = True End If Obj.ForeColor = vbBlue Obj.DrawWidth = 1 If IsPrinter = False Then Obj.Cls End If ReDim Pt(0 To np) Pt(0).X = -99999 For i = 1 To np A = (VScroll1.Value / 10000) / 320 xx = xxc((i - 1) * Zoom) yy = yyc(Data(i + PtStart - 1) * A) If xx <> Pt(j).X Or yy <> Pt(j).Y Then j = j + 1 Pt(j).X = xx Pt(j).Y = yy End If Next i If Win9x = True Then nMax = 5000 k = Int(j / nMax) Rest = (j - k * nMax) Pos = 1 If k > 0 Then For i = 1 To k Polyline Obj.hdc, Pt(Pos), nMax Pos = Pos + nMax Next i End If If Rest > 0 Then Polyline Obj.hdc, Pt(Pos), Rest End If Else Polyline Obj.hdc, Pt(Pos), j End If If IsPrinter = False Then Obj.Refresh End If End Function Function DrawGridY(Obj As Object, ByVal yStep As Double, ByVal Grey As Long) As Long Dim yStart As Double Dim xxMin As Long Dim yyMin As Long Dim xxMax As Long Dim yy As Long Dim Y As Double Obj.ForeColor = RGB(Grey, Grey, Grey) Obj.DrawWidth = 1 yStep = Abs(yStep) If yStep = 0 Then Exit Function End If ' Sonderbehandlung für den Fall, dass die Kurve nicht bei y = 0 anfängt If Sgn(yMin) = 1 And Sgn(yMax) = 1 Then yStart = yMin Else yStart = 0 End If ' Die Gitterlinien werden jeweils von der Achse nach außen gezeichnet ' für den Fall, dass die letzte Linie nicht am Maximalwert liegt. ' Ausgabe der horizontalen Gitterlinien xxMin = xxc(xMin) xxMax = xxc(xMax) For Y = yStart To (yMax) Step yStep yy = yyc(Y) Obj.Line (xxMin, yy)-(xxMax, yy) Next Y ' Sonderbehandlung wenn ymax und ymin negativ sind If Sgn(yMin) = -1 And Sgn(yMax) = -1 Then yStart = yMax Else yStart = 0 End If For Y = yStart To (yMin) Step -yStep yy = yyc(Y) Obj.Line (xxMin, yy)-(xxMax, yy) Next Y End Function Function DrawGridX(Obj As Object, ByVal xStep As Double, ByVal Grey As Long) As Long Dim xStart As Double Dim yyMax As Long Dim yyMin As Long Dim X As Double Dim xx As Long Obj.ForeColor = RGB(Grey, Grey, Grey) Obj.DrawWidth = 1 xStep = Abs(xStep) If xStep = 0 Then Exit Function End If ' Sonderbehandlung für den Fall, dass die Kurve nicht bei x = 0 anfängt If Sgn(xMin) = 1 And Sgn(xMax) = 1 Then xStart = xMin Else xStart = 0 End If ' Wir zeichnen das Gitter von der Achse nach außen für den Fall ' dass die letzte Linie nicht auf dem Maximalwert liegt yyMax = yyc(yMax) yyMin = yyc(yMin) For X = xStart To (xMax) Step xStep xx = xxc(X) Obj.Line (xx, yyMax)-(xx, yyMin) Next X ' Sonderbehandlung wenn xmax und xmin negativ sind If Sgn(xMin) = -1 And Sgn(xMax) = -1 Then xStart = xMax Else xStart = 0 End If For X = xStart To (xMin) Step -xStep xx = xxc(X) Obj.Line (xx, yyMax)-(xx, yyMin) Next X End Function Function DrawAxis(Obj As Object, _ ByVal DrawFrame As Boolean, _ ByVal Grey As Long) As Long Dim xx1 As Long Dim xx2 As Long Dim yy1 As Long Dim yy2 As Long Obj.ForeColor = RGB(Grey, Grey, Grey) Obj.DrawWidth = 1 ' Achsen und Rahmen zeichen xx1 = xxc(xMin) xx2 = xxc(xMax) yy1 = yyc(yMin) yy2 = yyc(yMax) Obj.Line (xx1, yOff)-(xx2, yOff) Obj.Line (xOff, yy1)-(xOff, yy2) If DrawFrame = True Then Obj.ForeColor = 0 Obj.Line (xx1, yy1)-(xx2, yy2), , B End If End Function Private Function DrawSection(Obj As Object) Dim np As Long If Zoom = 1 Then np = nSamples Else np = CLng((nSamples / Zoom)) End If MaxScroll = nSamples - (nSamples / Zoom) Perc = HScroll1.Value / 10000 PtStart = Int(Perc * MaxScroll) + 1 Call DrawData(Obj, PtStart, np) End Function Function Fact() As Long ' Die Variablen xMax, yMax, Margin etc werden nicht an die ' Funktion Fact übergeben, weil sie Formweit benötigt werden ' Umrechnungsfaktoren bestimmen xFact = (DiagWidth - MarginLeft - MarginRight) / (xMax - xMin) yFact = (DiagHeight - MarginTop - MarginBottom) / (yMax - yMin) xOff = DiagLeft + MarginLeft + Abs(xMin) * xFact yOff = DiagTop + MarginTop + Abs(yMax) * yFact yFact = -yFact ' Dies tun wir um die Skala umzukehren End Function Function Legend(Obj As Object, ByVal LegendX$, ByVal LegendY$, ByVal Title$) As Long Dim Text$ Dim cnt As Long Dim tw As Double Dim th As Double Dim X As Double Dim Y As Double Dim IsPrinter As Boolean Dim F As Double If TypeOf Obj Is Printer Then IsPrinter = True F = Obj.ScaleX(1, 6, 3) / 4 Else F = 1 End If Obj.DrawWidth = 1 Obj.ForeColor = 0 Obj.FontName = "Arial" Obj.FontSize = 12 Obj.FontBold = False Text$ = Title tw = Obj.TextWidth(Text) ' cnt = 0 Do If tw > (xMax - xMin) * xFact Then Obj.FontSize = Obj.FontSize - 0.5 tw = Obj.TextWidth(Text) cnt = cnt + 1 Else Exit Do End If Loop Until Obj.FontSize < 3 Or cnt > 20 th = Obj.TextHeight(Text) Obj.CurrentX = xxc(xMin + (xMax - xMin) / 2) - tw / 2 Obj.CurrentY = yyc(yMax) - th - 5 * F Obj.Print Text$ ' Obj.FontName = "Arial" Obj.FontSize = 11 Obj.FontBold = True Text$ = LegendX$ tw = Obj.TextWidth(Text) Obj.CurrentX = xxc(xMin + (xMax - xMin) / 2) - tw / 2 Obj.CurrentY = yyc(yMin) + 5 * F Obj.Print Text$; X = Obj.CurrentX + 5 * F Y = yyc(yMin) + 15 * F Arrow90 Obj, X, Y, X + 30 * F, Y, 6 * F, 0 Obj.FontName = "Arial" Obj.FontSize = 11 Obj.FontBold = True Text$ = LegendY$ tw = Obj.TextWidth(Text) Obj.CurrentX = xxc(xMin) - 20 * F Obj.CurrentY = yyc(0) - 10 * F Obj.Print Text$ X = xxc(xMin) - 20 * F + tw / 2 Y = yyc(0) - 10 * F Arrow90 Obj, X, Y, X, Y - 30 * F, 6 * F, 90 End Function 'Meßlatte: '--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7------| Function Plot(Obj As Object) As Long Dim xStep As Double Dim n As Long Dim X As Double Dim Y As Double Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim A As Double Dim b As Double Dim Phi As Double Dim pi As Double Dim LegendX As String Dim IsPrinter As Boolean Dim PFact As Double If TypeOf Obj Is Printer Then IsPrinter = True End If Obj.ScaleMode = 3 ' Da API-Befehle zum Zeichnen verwendet werden, ' arbeiten wir mit Pixeln ' Festlegen der Position und Größe des gesamten Diagramms auf dem ' Ausgabegerät (z.B. Picturbox). Einheiten sind hier Pixel, da API- ' Befehle zum Zeichnen verwendet werden. Falls das Diagramm sich auf ' die Grenzen der Picturebox beziehen soll, werden DiagLeft und ' DiagTop = 0 gesetzt, während DiagWidh und DiagHeight auf ScaleWidth ' und Scaleheight gestellt werden. If IsPrinter = False Then DiagLeft = 10 DiagTop = 10 DiagWidth = Obj.ScaleWidth - DiagLeft - 10 DiagHeight = Obj.ScaleHeight - DiagTop - 10 ' Festlegen der Ränder innerhalb des Diagramms. Einheiten sind ' ebenfalls die voreingestellten Einheiten (Scalemode) des Objekts. MarginLeft = 40 MarginTop = 40 MarginRight = 10 MarginBottom = 30 Else PFact = Obj.ScaleX(1, 6, 3) ' Faktor zur Umrechnung von mm auf Pixel DiagLeft = 25 * PFact DiagTop = 30 * PFact DiagWidth = Obj.ScaleWidth - DiagLeft - 25 * PFact DiagHeight = DiagWidth * 0.4 ' Festlegen der Ränder innerhalb des Diagramms. Einheiten sind ' ebenfalls die voreingestellten Einheiten (Scalemode) des Objekts. MarginLeft = 12 * PFact MarginTop = 8 * PFact MarginRight = 1 * PFact MarginBottom = 10 * PFact End If ' Festlegen der Maximalwerte. Einheiten sind hier die geräteunabhängigen ' Einheiten des Diagramms (z.B. m, km, kg, Anzahl, usw.). nSamples = UBound(Data) - LBound(Data) + 1 xMax = nSamples xMin = 0 yMax = 120 yMin = -120 ' Faktoren und Offsets berechnen Call Fact ' Zeichnung vorbereiten If IsPrinter = False Then Obj.Cls Set Obj.Picture = Nothing End If ' Zunächst die Grenzen des Diagramms einzeichnen. Dies dient nur ' zur Kontrolle und kann später weggelassen werden. Call DrawBoundary(Obj, 200) ' Gitter, Achsen und Rahmen der Zeichenfläche ausgeben Call DrawGridY(Obj, yMax / 6, 220) Call DrawGridX(Obj, xMax / 10, 220) Call DrawAxis(Obj, True, 120) LegendX = "Zeit (" & Format$(100 / Zoom) & " ms/Div.)" Call Legend(Obj, LegendX, "y", "Amplitudenverlauf") If IsPrinter = False Then Set Obj.Picture = Obj.Image End If End Function Function xxc(ByVal X As Double) As Double xxc = xOff + xFact * X End Function Function yyc(ByVal Y As Double) As Double yyc = yOff + yFact * Y End Function Private Sub cmdDraw_Click() Call Plot(Picture1) Call DrawSection(Picture1) End Sub Private Sub cmdPrint_Click() Printer.Print " " Call Plot(Printer) Call DrawSection(Printer) Printer.EndDoc End Sub Private Sub cmdZoom_Click(Index As Integer) MaxScroll = nSamples - (nSamples / Zoom) Perc = HScroll1.Value / 10000 PtStart = Int(Perc * MaxScroll) Select Case Index Case 0 Zoom = Zoom / 2 If Zoom < 1 Then Zoom = 1 End If Case 1 Zoom = Zoom * 2 If Zoom > 4096 Then Zoom = 4096 End If End Select If Zoom > 1 Then HScroll1.Enabled = True BlockAction = True MaxScroll = nSamples - (nSamples / Zoom) Perc = PtStart / MaxScroll If Perc > 1 Then Perc = 1 HScroll1.LargeChange = HScroll1.Max * (1 / Zoom) HScroll1.Value = Perc * 10000 BlockAction = False Else HScroll1.Enabled = False End If Call Plot(Picture1) Call DrawSection(Picture1) End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() cmdDraw_Click End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() cmdDraw.Move 90, 60 cmdPrint.Move cmdDraw.Left + cmdDraw.Width, 60 cmdDraw.Caption = "Draw" cmdPrint.Caption = "Print" Picture1.AutoRedraw = True Picture1.BackColor = vbWhite Picture1.ScaleMode = 3 Picture1.Move 90, 450 Zoom = 1 Win9x = True Call Create(44100, False) End Sub Private Sub Form_Resize() Dim h As Single Dim w As Single With Picture1 h = ScaleHeight - .Top - .Left - HScroll1.Height w = ScaleWidth - 2 * .Left - VScroll1.Width .Move .Left, .Top, w, h HScroll1.Move .Left, .Top + .Height, .Width VScroll1.Move .Left + .Width, .Top, VScroll1.Width, .Height Frame1.Move .Left + .Width - Frame1.Width End With Call Plot(Picture1) End Sub Private Sub HScroll1_Change() Dim np As Long If BlockAction = True Then Exit Sub End If Call DrawSection(Picture1) End Sub Private Sub HScroll1_Scroll() HScroll1_Change End Sub Private Sub VScroll1_Change() Call DrawSection(Picture1) End Sub Private Sub VScroll1_Scroll() VScroll1_Change End Sub '----- Ende Formular "frmWavView" alias frmWavView.frm ----- '------------- Ende Projektdatei PrjWavView.vbp -------------
Windows/VB-Version | Win32s | Win95 | Win98 | WinME | WinNT4 | Win2000 | WinXP |
VB4 | |||||||
VB5 | |||||||
VB6 |
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